Register for the next date | Fall 2022
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No spam. We will only send you relevant information. Register now and you will receive an email with the table of contents, prices, and payment methods.
This course is for anyone who is looking to work with cannabis in-vitro. It does not matter if it is your first time ever working with tissue culture, or if you already have experience working in a lab. We’ve designed the course to be ready for all levels.
Our theory component contains details about the historical development of cannabis tissue culture technologies and what makes it a challenge compared to other plants. We will learn about how the various different media work with cannabis plantlets, and also you will gain insights onto the practical workings of what it is like to work in the Canadian cannabis industry as a tissue culture technician.
Our practical component is rich with hands-on work to multiply cannabis plants with the LukumeTC kit and our proprietary media. You will be using cutting-edge equipment to grow cannabis plants in test tubes, and by the end of the course will feel ready and independent to start repeatin the processes on your own.
Once you register for one of our courses, we will always be there to help you. We aim to build long term relationships with all students, and we see all registrants as lifetime partners, not temporary customers.
Study fully remote (we will ship you the supplies) or at one of our set workshop dates located across Canada where you will have the opportunity to use professional-grade equipment.
Our instructors are leaders in their field with notable publications and a record of genuine innovation. They will walk you through complicated scientific concepts step-by-step.