Register for the next date | Fall 2022
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No spam. We will only send you relevant information. Register now and you will receive an email with the table of contents, prices, and payment methods.
This course is intended for students who already have some experience with plant tissue culture technologies. You may have taken a single course on micropropagation in your university program, or maybe you’re a hobbyist who does this at home in a living room with a plastic tub box. If you’ve purchased an online tissue culture kit in the past, but are wondering how to get your skills on the level that could be productive in an industrial setting, then this is the course for you.
In this course we will cover advanced micropropagation techniques, which involves much industry knowledge that can only be gained from experience. We will work with a variety of plants and dive deeper into the intricacies of how media and work processes change with plant species. This will unlock your ability to begin to develop your own media to work with new plants. We will cover technologies such as bioreactors, and how they can be built at a low-budget pricepoint. You will also learn many practical industry stories of what it’s actually like to work in public and private sector biotechnology jobs.
Once you register for one of our courses, we will always be there to help you. We aim to build long term relationships with all students, and we see all registrants as lifetime partners, not temporary customers.
Study fully remote (we will ship you the supplies) or at one of our set workshop dates located across Canada where you will have the opportunity to use professional-grade equipment.
Our instructors are leaders in their field with notable publications and a record of genuine innovation. They will walk you through complicated scientific concepts step-by-step.